Data sources - settings

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Version vom 1. Dezember 2015, 19:42 Uhr von Haemel (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „==== [ User of your Data ] ==== Datenquellen können zur Verwendung öffentlich freigegeben werden. Stellen Sie Ihre Produktdaten einer ausgewählten Datenquel…“)
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A Data Source is for example the range of products (the product data) of a supplier. Product data of your suppliers can be imported into separate data sources, edited and saved. Always enter a unique name for every data source. If more than one data source is available; a selection menu - which allows switching between different data sources - appears at the top. Unique names ease the selection of the right Data Source.

Data Source edit/create

You can select edit actions for every existing Data Source by clicking on the Action button next to it. The Create Data Source button at the bottom allows you - to create new Data Sources.


In each data pool always one data source is active by default. In the Data Source menu at the top, you can select the data source with which you want to work (this menu is only visible when at least 2 data sources are created). Each data source in turn may be associated with different interfaces, cron jobs and templates, etc. Example:

Data Source 1: Car Parts (Activ!)
Data Source 2: Jewelry
Data Source 3: Office Furniture

Jede Datenquelle kann auch mehrere Interne Kategorien beinhalten, Beispiel Datenquelle 1: Each Data Source can have several Internal Categories, i.E. Data Sorce 1:

Car parts with the categories: Mercedes, Audi, BMW

After activating an interface, for example Gambio, you can define 3 export files which you assign to each of the matching internal category Mercedes, Audi or BMW. This way it is also possible to manage multiple suppliers in one data source. Whatever method you prefer is up to you. The number of currently possible data sources is limited to 10.


[ Action ] Button

[ edit Settings ]

  • Name German
Identification of your data source in German
  • Name Englisch
Identification of your data source in English
  • Language for Product Titles
This setting governs only the internal display of the product names at DataPool ->Products, if product data will be managed in different languages and you have defined language sub-sets.
  • Type and Origin of Data
Where does the data come from? This is only visible when you create a new data source.

Determine here what data will be used in the new data source. The options Own Data Import or Existing Supplier Data are available.

  • Data Sharing (optional)
  1. no - Default setting; your data source is not publicly shared.
  2. shared after user verification - You decide whether a user is allowed to use a data source or not. You receive inquiries by e--mail. Users see the stored information about your company in the tab [ Supplier Data ].
  3. publicly shared, for all users - Your product data together with product data from every other publicly shared data source is available for each user free of charge.
  • Apply now for data sharing verification?
Set here the selection to yes and save the setting. Our support then receives a message and checks your data for completeness.
For the release of product data and a listing of your products on the page Anbieter, you must give the necessary information about your company on the tab [ Supplier Data ]. In your data pool should also at least 10 items with inventory, image, title and description exist.

[ Edit additional Data Fields ]

Define any desired data fields and assign them to the appropriate columns when you import your data. The contents of these data fields are then later available in the Interface Settings via the following placeholders:

[spec1] = Content 1. additional Data Field
[spec2] = Content 2. additional Data Field
[spec3] = Content 3. additional Data Field usw.

For more information about data fields, see the page Advanced Functions.

[ Edit Language Sub-Set ]

Hier können Sie bestimmten Tab-Bezeichnern (Reitern) eigene Namen geben, z.B. lässt sich der Reiter [ Sprache 2 ] unter Datenpool ->Produkte in [ Ebay-Titel ] ändern. Diese Funktion dient lediglich zur besseren Übersicht.

[ User of your Data ]

Datenquellen können zur Verwendung öffentlich freigegeben werden. Stellen Sie Ihre Produktdaten einer ausgewählten Datenquelle anderen Benutzern zur Verfügung.

Other Buttons

[ Create Data Source ]

Create a new Data Source.


Hinweise zur Datenquelle GALLAY und wie Sie unsere Produktdaten importieren und nutzen können:

Variante 1
Importieren Sie die Daten per Link aus Dort muss die individuelle Schnittstelle aktiviert und eingerichtet sein.
Variante 2
Richten Sie in eine neue Datenquelle ein und markieren Sie beim Anlegen der Datenquelle im Feld 'Art und Herkunft der Daten': Vorhandene Anbieterdaten nutzen

Welche Form des Einlesens Sie bevorzugen bleibt natürlich Ihnen überlassen. In Variante 1 können Sie etwas flexibler mit den Daten umgehen. Bei Variante 2 werden alle Produkte und Kategorien automatisch mit Updates versorgt (aktuell: Produktdaten 3x täglich, Bestände stündlich).