eBay "How to"

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Here we give you important information on procedures; how to list your products on eBay via csv4you and how to update them regularly.

eBay Token - Create a Connection to eBay

  • Data Pool ->Base Settings ->Tab [ eBay ]
In preparation, you must first create an eBay token. The creation of an eBay token is necessary once to auhtorize the exchange of data between eBay and csv4you.

Import Product Data - Imports and Cronjobs

At first, you should store your products in the data pool. We expect that the file with your product data is either saved locally on your computer or is accessible via a Link / FTP on the Internet. Please contact us, if your product data exists merely in the eBay Turbo Lister data base.

Import of Products from a .CSV or .XML File

  • Data Pool ->Data Import
Select import option A or B (set up FTP access in Data Pool -> Base Settings -> FTP)
Button [ Upload ]: Transfer the file to our server for further processing
Match/Assign data fields (XML) or columns (CSV) from your import file to fields in the Data Pool
Tab [ Import-Options ]: activate the Option 'Match Categories from Import File', to import categories from your file
Tab [ Extern ]: assign column eBay-ID, if existing in your import file
Button [ Import Data / Save Template ]: performs the Import and saves your settings in a template
You can test the import your data as often as you like (before delete all records). However, we recommend for security reasons, to work at the beginning with only a few records.

Set up a Cron Job for Data Import

  • Data Pool ->Cronjobs Import
Here you can create the cron job, that regularly, at given times automatically reads your import file.
Save all your changes!

Export Products to eBay - Set up the Interface(s)

Base Settings for CSV Manager

  • Interfaces -> Export Settings

Make individual settings for the export file here and set additional 'filters' if desired.

  • Interfaces -> Category Mapping
Create a category mapping for eBay (see also the help text 'eBay Category Mapping')
  • Interfaces -> Product templates
Choose a template for product descriptions on eBay (needs to be created first)
  • Interfaces -> Export Settings
Button [Download Export File]: Creates the CSV file for uploading to the eBay CSV Manager
Then you can choose if you want to save the file or open it.
In csv4you changed products for which an eBay ID is already stored in the Data Pool, will be included in the file with the 'Revise' action.

If your CSV file has been successfully processed by the eBay CSV manager, you will see the newly created products in the 'Scheduled Listings' area.

Set up a Cron Job for Data Export

  • Interfaces ->Export Settings ->Tab [ Cronjob ]
Here you can optionally automate the export of .CSV files for the eBay CSV Manager by setting up a cron job.
The file to upload to eBay CSV manager is then (always up-to-date) reachable via a (secret) link..

Manage eBay Listings - Inventory and Prices

Syncronizing existing eBay Listings from Products in your Data Pool

  • Datea Pool ->Products ->Tab [ eBay Listings ]
To syncronize eBay listings with product data in the Data Pool, the SKU number (ID) of each record in the Data Pool must be present in the field Custom Label at eBay! Otherwise, an assignment is not possible.
Wenn Sie Ihre eBay Listings über die Schnittstellen unseres System neu erstellen, müssen Sie sich nicht um die Zuordung dieser Nummern kümmern. Die Zuordnungen für den Abgleich Ihrer Daten zwischen eBay und csv4you erfolgen dann automatisch. Wir empfehlen daher für das Neuanlegen von Produkten und bei größeren Änderungen auf eBay, immer den CSV-Manager als Schnittstelle zu nutzen.

Create new Products in your Data Pool from existing eBay Listings

More to come...

Create new eBay Listings from Products in your Data Pool

More to come...

Which Data will be changed when Syncronizing?

Via the button [ Daten von eBay einlesen ] you can syncronize your eBay listings regularly with your products in the data pool. More possibilities are described in the respective Help texts.

The following changes to your eBay listings can be made directly on the product pages in the data pool:

  • Updates of the values for quantity (inventory) and / or price
  • Ending of listings on eBay (moving to "non-active), max. 10 records at a time

Based on years of experience with customers, we know that the monitoring and regular updating of inventory, availability and prices for eBay items is more important and needs to be performed more frequently, than the creation of new listings.

To list new products on eBay or modify the contents of already active listings (eg product descriptions), you must proceed as follows. Create an export file in the Interfaces section and then upload it via the eBay-CSV Manager. The complete deletion of listings which are already on eBay can only be done manually in the eBay Sales Manager.

Detailed explanations on individual functions can be found on the respective pages in the logged in area via the green button [ Help ].