Amazon - settings

From Wiki csv4you
This page is a translated version of the page Grundeinstellungen Amazon and the translation is 93% complete.

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All Amazon related settings

Before your first transfer of product data to Amazon, please import all your already listed items from Amazon (Data Pool -> Products -> Amazon Listings). Otherwise there may be duplicates of your products subsequently!

Marketplace Web Service

Your products on Amazon can be regularly updated with the data from your data pool. You will need the MarketplaceID your MerchantID and your MWS authtoken. Add these necessary IDs and save your entries. To obtain them, you need a Seller-Pro account (Pro Merchant subscription) at Amazon! In addition, you must grant our system access to your Amazon data . You do this by storing our developer ID with the "Allow third-party access to my data" option in your MWS account. You find this ID under My Account -> Base Settings -> Amazon.

Use the following instructions to authorise (the developer) to access your selling account using Amazon MWS. Our Developer ID is 5452-3007-9092.

  1. Go to the User Permissions page in Seller Central and log into your Amazon merchant/seller account for the marketplace you want to connect as the primary user.
  2. Click the Authorise a developer button.
  3. In the Developer name text box, enter the name of the application developer that you are authorising (csv4you). This doesn't need to be the exact name; it is merely for your reference in the future.
  4. In the Developer ID text box, enter the Developer ID (5452-3007-9092) and then click Authorise a developer.
  5. Your MWS Auth Token appears.
  6. Come back to Go to My Account -> Base Settings -> Amazon and enter the MWS AuthToken from the previous step and your Merchant/Seller ID.
  7. Click [ Save ]
More information on this topic here, directly from Amazon.

If you ever need/want to change a token, delete the old one and create a new one (as described above).


Button [ Actions ]

  • [ Cronjob: Get Amazon Data ]
Specify here the times, at which a cronjob is run for the automatic import of the inventory data from Amazon. Note that this always updates "'all'" the data sources, to which an (the same) authentication token is assigned.
  • [ Cronjob: Daten von Amazon einlesen FBA ]
Legen Sie hier die Zeiten fest, zu denen ein Cronjob ausgeführt wird zum automatischen Einlesen der FBA-Bestandsdaten (Fullfillment) von Amazon. Auch hier werden immer alle Datenquellen aktualisiert, denen der Authentifizierungs-Token zugeordnet ist.
  • [ Delete ]
The assigned authentication token will be deleted.