Export Settings: Basic Set-Up

From Wiki csv4you
This page is a translated version of the page Exportprofile Grundeinstellungen and the translation is 100% complete.

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If no interface is displayed in the Basic Settings of your export settings, please first activate an interface under '"My Account -> Subscriptions"'. Alternatively, you can define your own interfaces.

In order to use a CSV- or API- interface - existing product data in the DataPool are prerequisite. Please refer to our information in the Quick Guide...

Selection of Interface and Export Profile

Interface - Select an interface: Preconfigured interfaces can be activated under My Account -> Subscriptions". Individual interfaces can be set up and managed on the menu Interfaces -> Interface Creator".

Select an Export Profile - Select an export profile for your interface or create a new profile. Export Profiles save the settings for an interface and therefore control the content of individual export files or data streams that get created by it.

Export Profile

Settings for interfaces WITH downloadable export files

  • File Type
Choose how you want to download your export files, for example, as a ZIP package or separately.
Note: This field is only visible for those interfaces, that have a value in the "Split File" setting.
  • Name
freely selectable, only for internal display
  • File Name
Name of the file to be downloaded (please, do not use special characters, spaces etc.)
  • Short Description
Short Description of your settings (optional).
  • Split File
Here you can specify the maximum number of items (records) that are to be included in an export file (optional).

Suppose your export file from csv4you.com contains about 5000 records and is about 10 MB in size. However, the import into your shop system allows only 2 MB per file / upload. For example, if you enter 1000, you will get 5 files, each with 1000 records and approximately 2 MB size. These 5 files can be then sequentially imported into your system.

  • Modify Direct Link 'xXxXxX'
If you have already saved an export file, you can change the URL for your file at any time, e.g. for safety reasons (optional). The link to your export file can be found in the box on the right.

Settings for Interfaces WITHOUT downloadable export files (API-interface)

  • Name
freely selectable, only for internal display
  • Short Description
Short description of your interface (optional).


  • Use Product Texts from
If product texts are stored in different languages, these languages can be selected here. You create or set up the fields for different language contents via My Account -> Basic Settings -> Data Sources -> Actions -> Language Sub-Sets . At least one product must contain content in the additional language. Only then is a selection possible here.
  • Complete empty Product Texts?
For missing entries in language 2 for example, the content from the master data is used.
Note: These two options are only available if at least one product text in a 2nd language exists in the data pool.
  • Currency | Convert
Select a currency and whether the prices from the data pool shall be converted into this currency. Always keep in mind that our internal source currency for all price calculations in the export area is always the EURO! Here are some examples:
'Example 1': Prices in the data pool are in EUR, all prices in your export file shall also appear EUR. Highlight for this 'EUR' and 'No' .
'Example 2': Prices in the data pool are in EUR, all prices in your export file shall be converted into USD. Highlight for this 'USD' and 'Yes.
'Example 3' : Prices in the data pool are in USD, all prices in your export file shall also appear in USD. Highlight for this 'USD' and 'No' .
'Example 4': Prices in the data pool are in USD, all prices in your export file shall be converted into GBP. For that the prices must first be converted from USD to EUR during import into the data pool. How this works is described in Import Particularities - Currency Conversion.
  • Customize Price
Information in the price box will be adjusted automatically.
Prices are displayed by default when exporting with commas, except in those interfaces that have preselected the dot as decimal separator. If necessary, you can use the replace - replace the comma by a dot" function (see also Extended Field Functions).
  • Target quantity | Use available quantity
Sets a global value for the quantity per item, which is to be set as the available quantity (in stock), e.g. on Ebay.
Values > 0 overwrite the value of in stock (quantity) for the export file as follows:
  1. Value <= Stock: Sets the value as quantity for the export.
  2. Value > Stock: Switch set to "No" - the inventory is set to 0 for the export (Default). Switch set to "Yes" - the available quantity is used as quantity for the export.
  3. No Value: The quantity from the data source is taken.
The switch "Use available quantity" effects the output only in the second case.
  • Value Added Tax
Indication of the rate of VAT (will not be included in the price calculation!)
  • Prefix for SKU
Addendum to the SKU , which is added in front of the SKU (not with API interfaces).
  • Formatting
Product title in capital letters (optional)
  • Character Encoding
standard is UTF-8
optional (see also: Wiki SELFHTML)

Price Calculation (optional)

  • Price Calculation
Here you can select a price calculation for the export profile or create a new one.

Listing Template

  • Template
Select a template for the product description

Listing templates must be created and set up at "Interfaces ->Listing Templates". If no template is available or selected when creating your export file, the text from Description is used, which is stored in your individual data records / products ("Data Pool ->Products ->Master Data").

With the help of a template, the individual description texts are expanded to include e.g. additional images, texts or general instructions. These must then be stored only once in the template together with a placeholder for the description of the product (see also: Help Text at Interfaces ->ListingTemplates).

Note: Available only for interfaces where product descriptions in HTML format are permitted.

Download Response File

In API interfaces (for example, eBay and Amazon), click the [Download File] button to access the response file archive. Download the desired response file there. Response files contain confirmations as to whether a transfer has been successful or has failed. Always look into these files after a transfer. A maximum of 7 days with a total of 20 response files are listed.

Depending on the interface or marketplace, creating the desired response file may take some time. How long it takes for a response file to become available after thr request, depends on many different factors of the target systems, that our system has no control over.