eBay Listings

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Version vom 20. April 2018, 18:05 Uhr von Haemel (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „If you have used the function [Import data from eBay], we strongly recommend that you use '''solely''' our export interface '''eBay Marketplace API''' when cre…“)
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Manage your eBay Listings here. If no API access data exists, it must be entered under My account -> Basic settings .

Select Marketplace / Search

eBay Country - Choose the marketplace for the eBay products that you want to edit.

Search Term - Enter the term that you want to search for.

eBay Listings

Active Listings

Here is a list of your active Amazon products - if any. Sorting is possible via the column ID(Parent ID) , Name, Quantity or eBay-Quantity.

Please, work very carefull in the eBay listings area and always check all actions afterwards in your eBay account! Test the workflow between csv4you.com and eBay at the beginning always with only a few records. So, if errors occur, unnecessary work and cost can be avoided.

Before making any changes in the DataPool, always update the display of your listings first via the button [Get eBay Data].

Red Parent-IDs could mean:

  1. either, assignments in the DataPool are missing (e.g.: no DataPool items, missing category assignments)
  2. or, other required product attributes need to be added to the variants of the affected Parent IDs.

Import active listings from eBay;

To import and manage active listings in csv4you, the product ID (SKU) from the data pool must exist as the value of the Stock Keeping Unit field in the listing on eBay. If you list via the CSV-Manager interface or the eBay API of csv4you.com, the product ID (SKU) are automatically transferred into the Stock Keeping Unit field on eBay . Thus all stocks and prices of your eBay listings can be updated directly via csv4you.com.

List new items on eBay;

For this, use one of the available eBay interfaces (see My Account->Subscriptions).

End listings on eBay;

Termination of active listings is possible only in connection with the Sales Manager Pro.

only item numbers, for which an eBay ID is stored in the data pool, are displayed!

Scheduled Listings

Here are all scheduled (prepared) items listed.

Faulty Listings

'Faulty' listings means that the quantities in the DataPool are smaller than what you have listed on eBay. Pay particular attention to this area when e.g. one of your suppliers updates his stock daily. Otherwise you might get a sale on eBay - for a product that you can not deliver ...

No Listings

All products of the active data source that are "not" listed on eBay (yet).


Button [ Actions ]

The [Actions] button provides different options on the various listings tabs.

  • [Actions] Edit Product Details
You will be redirected to product details. Here you can edit the product details of individual products.
  • [Actions] Edit Item Attributes
You will be redirected to product attributes. Here you can edit the product attributes of individual products.
  • [Actions] eBay syncronize Data
Here the values of inventory and price can be changed directly on eBay and synchronized with your data pool.
  • [Actions] Edit Parents' Attributes
You will be redirected to parent details. Here you can edit the attributes of individual parents.

Button [ Get eBay Data ]

On the eBay Listings page, you will see a [Get eBay Data] button. A click on it opens a new page with advanced settings. There you can specify how your listing data should be imported from eBay and synchronized with existing data in the DataPool. These are important options, the meaning of which you should know and take into account!

If you have used the function [Import data from eBay], we strongly recommend that you use solely our export interface eBay Marketplace API when creating, modifying and deleting products or listings on eBay!

You can find the settings for automatic synchronization of eBay data under: My Account-> Basic Settings-> eBay->Actions -> CronJobs: Get eBay Data.

In data sources with vendor data, not all of the options listed here are available.

  • Listings in different marketplaces
If marked, data is imported for all products listed on the respective individual marketplaces. Depending on the number of your listings, the first import may take up to 48 hours.
  • Re-import existing products in the data pool
If marked, the attributes are re-imported for all matching item. Depending on the number of your listings, this process may take some time.
  • Import also listings without "'Custom Label'" (SKU)
If checked, listings without "Custom Label" (SKU) will also be imported.

Important: Our system writes the eBay ID as SKU for these records!

  • Re-import existing listings in the data pool
If checked, listing data - such as title, description, start price, and so on - is imported again and synchronized with the data in the data pool.
  • Create Missing items in the data pool
If checked, additional products are created in the DataPool from eBay data.

Other Buttons

Depending on which area of the listings you are in and if records have been marked, more buttons may be available on the page.

  • [ Group Function ]
  • [ End Listings ]
In the list, select a maximum of 10 records to end these listings.