Import Templates

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Version vom 22. November 2017, 19:18 Uhr von Haemel (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „*''Create missing items in the DataPool'' :Products from the import file that are not yet in the data pool, are added as new items (with a new ID) in the data…“)
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Import Templates save all individual settings, including field assignments of a data import. New Import Templates can be created exclusively via theData Import. Settings that are modified during a data import, are automatically adopted in the used import template.

You can always later edit existing import templates. Just click on the button [ Edit ].


Properties and File Structure

  • Template Name
Enter your import template name (freely selectable).
  • Separator
Set column separator
  • Text Qualifier
Enter a text qualifier (if used)
  • Headers in Row
Specify the row which contains the column headers here (note, it is not always the first line)

Options for XML-Templates

  • XML element with product data
XML element that contains the product data
  • Variants
Are there additional variation items, please assign the appropriate XML element.

Column Mapping

Here you can see the column mappings of your import template. The number of columns depends on the type of import template: category, product or quantity.

In order to not lose track of your import templates, please enter a descriptive name for each template, for example, 'Quantity_ImportShoes' or 'Products_ImportJewelry' and delete unused templates if necessary.

Explanation of Columns

  • Field Names in Database
Here are the available fields of the database listed (field names).
  • Column names of the import file
The column names of your file you can adjust (if necessary), if for example, the column names of your import file change. Your column name must of course match the name in your file. The contents of the respective columns in your import file will be later automatically assigned to the column name of the interface (left) when importing or converting.
Column names should generally not use spaces, special characters or umlauts!
  • Extended Options
If all records of certain columns should have a fixed value (for example, state = 'NEW' or quantity = '1'), then enter this value (NEW or 1). Please leave the assignment of column names from the import file empty in these cases.

Advanced Functions

There are various possibilities for the calculation, filtering and individual formatting of column contents at the import and export of data. Please look at our help page "Advanced Field Functions".


File Type Product

  • Create missing items in the DataPool
Products from the import file that are not yet in the data pool, are added as new items (with a new ID) in the data pool. Note: Under unfavorable circumstances, this setting could lead to incorrect import data records being created as new products. Always make sure that your import files are formatted correctly!
  • Data records without unique ID
Should the file to be imported contain data records without unique ID, then please check this option. By default, only records with an unique ID are imported.
  • Remove Formatting from Texts
All formatting - such as e.g. HTML tags - will be removed from the data during the import.
  • Wenn UPDATE: Fehlende Spalten ignorieren!
Zutreffend für UPDATES: Wenn Sie nur bestimmte Spalteninhalte Ihrer Datei übernehmen möchten, muss diese Option aktiviert sein (ja). Es werden dann ausschließlich die Daten der ausgewählten Spalten importiert, die in der Importvorlage gespeichert sind. Alle anderen Spalteninhalte werden ignoriert (Standardeinstellung).
Falls Sie diese Einstellung deaktivieren (nein), werden alle Spalteninhalte Ihrer Produkte gelöscht, die nicht in der Importvorlage hinterlegt sind.
Ihr Datenpool enthält 20 Spalten mit verschiedenen Werten, Sie möchten aber nur die Inhalte der Spalten TITEL und EAN aktualisieren, weil sich z.B. einige Produkttitel Ihres Angebots geändert haben und aktualisiert werden sollen. Die Einstellung muss dazu aktiviert sein (ja). EAN-Nummern sollten sich natürlich nicht geändert haben, damit eine korrekte Zuordnung der neuen Titel erfolgen kann.
  • Categories from import file use
If your import file contains product categories, then you can use these as the internal categories in the data pool. With re-imports already existing data will be updated. Newly added internal categories are created.
  • Create a backup of the existing data before importing
Before importing you can - for safety reasons - create a backup copy of the existing data.

File Type Inventory

  • Set all inventory levels to 0 before importing
When checked, all inventory levels in the data pool will be deleted prior to importing and set back to 0 (Zero).