Base Settings Gambio GX3

Aus Wiki csv4you
Version vom 27. Juli 2018, 16:30 Uhr von Haemel (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „*Product Selection *:Tab [ Filter ] :Price - the net price in your DataSource (NOT your retail price after price calculation) :Stock - the stock level in you…“)
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Gambio GX3 How to


  • Connect csv4you to your Gambio GX3 shop
My Account ->Base Settings->Tab "API": Enter log-in credentials for your Gambio GX3 shop
  • Subscribe to the Interface
My Account ->Subscriptions ->Online Shops: Activate the 'Gambio Shop-API’

Export Preparation

  • Price Calculation
Export ->Price Calculation
  • Product Listing Template (optional)
create at Export ->Produkttemplates
  • Kategoriezuordnung
create at Export ->Category Mapping

Transfer/Export Data - Set up the Interface

  • Export Profile
create at Export ->Export Profile
  • Price Calculation and Listing Templates
on the Tab [Settings] select from the drop-down menues and [ Save Settings ]
  • Product Selection
    Tab [ Filter ]
Price - the net price in your DataSource (NOT your retail price after price calculation)
Stock - the stock level in your data source (NOT the eBay stock level)
Zero Stock - Yes / No (important for updates, to set the inventory on eBay to ZERO, without the need to delete the listing. This option MUST have been activated in your eBay account.)
SQL-Query - Select column/field, select the comparison operator and specify the value to be compared. Only records that meet the criterion will be transferred.
Individual Records - List of records (SKU(s)) to be included in the transmission. Separate multiple SKUs with commas. For variant items, include ONLY the parent SKU! Overrides all other filters and uses these items, even if no category is selected at all.
Excluded Records - When categories have been selected and certain SKUs from these must be excluded from the transfer. List of records (SKU(s)) to be excluded from the transfer. Separate multiple SKUs with commas. For variant items, include ONLY the parent SKU!
New Records - Yes / No (includes only items marked as NEW since the last update)
  • Daten zu Gambio übertragen