Amazon - settings

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Version vom 20. Januar 2017, 18:52 Uhr von Haemel (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „'''Important:''' The "Amazon Marketplace API" does NOT work with data sources that use (copy) existing supplier data. To change this, use the (own) import vari…“)
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All Amazon related settings

Before your first transfer of product data to Amazon, please import all your items already listed on Amazon (Data Pool -> Products -> Amazon Listings). Otherwise there may be duplicates of your products!

Marketplace Web Service

Your products on Amazon can be regularly updated with the data from your data pool. You will need the MarketplaceID your MerchantID and your MWS authtoken. Add these necessary IDs and save your entries. To obtain them, you need a Seller-Pro account (Pro Merchant subscription) at Amazon! In addition, you must grant our system access to your Amazon data . You do this by storing our developer ID with the "Allow third-party access to my data" option in your MWS account. You find this ID under My Account -> Preferences -> Amazon.

Important: The "Amazon Marketplace API" does NOT work with data sources that use (copy) existing supplier data. To change this, use the (own) import variant of the existing supplier data. You can find this setting under My Account -> Base Settings -> Tab 'Data Sources' -> Actions .... Then, under Settings Edit at Type and origin of data, select "Own Import". Alternatively, create a new Data Source and use this setting. The reason for this is that product data copied directly from the supplier can not be edited in the data source. This is not practicable for listing on Amazon.

More information on this topic here, directly from Amazon.