Aus Wiki csv4you
Version vom 12. Dezember 2017, 17:08 Uhr von Haemel (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „=== How can I temporarily disable my listings on eBay while on vacation? ===“)
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These FAQs are still work in progress. But, we're on it right now...



What does DataPool mean?

Imagine the DataPool as a central warehouse for your product data. Your datapool contains all Data Source, i.e., the departments of the central warehouse. The master data for individual products such as - title, description, list price, product categories, dimensions, weight, image path, stock level, and more - are then managed in these departments. You can update your master data daily or as needed, and use it for all available interfaces. If you are a manufacturer or a wholesaler, we recommend that you also make your DataPool available to other merchants (customers). They can then work with your data and use it with our already preconfigured or their own interfaces. The DataPool is the data basis for all interfaces. From it all data files (csv, xml, api), which are necessary for data transfer into many diverse shop and sales systems on the Internet, are created.

How are variant items created?

For variation items (childs) you always need an associated parent. This has its own item number (SKU), which then the desired items (variations) are assigned. For these variations, at least one distinguishing feature (e.g., color, size, etc.) must be defined and selected in the parent item.

An example:

The data pool already contains 3 items - boxes with different dimensions: S24680-30 => 30x45x40cm / S24680-45 => 45x45x40cm / S24680-60 => 60x45x40cm

  1. The corresponding values for the 3 variants S24680-30, S24680-45 and S24680-60 must exist in the field Size of these items.
  2. Create a new item in the data pool, a Parent item, with a unique item number (SKU), e.g. S24680. Leave the field Parent-ID empty. At Is a Parent Item select 'Yes'!
  3. Now, the selector at Size in the parent item S24680 must be set to 'Use as Variant Value 1'.

This completes the creation and association of a parent with 3 Variants. Of course, the creation of parent- and variant- items can also be done automatically during the import. To do this, parents and variants must be marked as such in the import file.


How can I import only data for products that have a minimum stock of "X"?

To do this, use the IF function from the 'extended field functions. Apply the IF-statement in the column with your product-ID. The function checks whether a stock is larger than "X". If so, it writes the product-ID, otherwise noting. Since you can choose whether or not items should be created without an product-ID, these can be therefore intercepted.

Remember however, that such an import filter can also lead to problems. For example, if a stock level today is 25, then the item - with a set minimum stock level > 20 - is imported. If the stock level later falls below 20, however, the item is no longer updated via the import.

Why are umlauts displayed incorrectly after an import?

One possible cause could be hidden control characters in the import file. Look for such characters in the relevant columns and remove them before importing.

How can I deactivate the 'Import errors' emails?

Eine solche E-Mail wird erzeugt, wenn ein Cronjob ausgeführt wird, bei dem die hinterlegte Importdatei nicht gefunden wurde oder die Importdatei keine Daten enthält. Löschen oder korrigieren Sie den betreffenden Importcronjob oder entfernen Sie in den Zeiteinstellungen des Cronjobs die gespeicherten Uhrzeiten.

Why are child items (variants) imported, but not their parent items?

Das Problem ist abhängig vom Aufbau Ihrer Importdatei. Gehen Sie dazu bitte in den Datenpool zu Produkte ->Varianten ->Gruppen-IDs. Hier sollten Sie nach dem Import alle Parents sehen, welche den Childs zugeordnet sind, aber noch nicht als eigenständige Artikel angelegt wurden. Markieren Sie die betreffenden IDs und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche [ Gruppenfunktion ], danach auf [ Parent(s) JETZT anlegen ] und [ Ausführen ]. Damit werden alle Vaterartikel Ihrer Auswahl als eigenständige Parentartikel angelegt.


Where can I find the download link (URL) of an export file?

You can find the link under Interfaces -> Export Settings. Click on the [ Status ] button.This link can also be used for external connects or downloads.

How can I update my export files automatically?

For this, set the update times in the corresponding export profile on the [Cronjob] tab. Your export file is then created automatically always at the time specified and you can download it via the link in the status window (by the way, without logging in to the system). Note, that you must login to the system at least once every 3 months. Otherwise, set cronjobs will be terminated and not start again. Updated export files are then no longer available.

Why are my cronjobs not running?

There may be several causes - depending on the interface and its settings. Only after a cronjob has been terminated correctly will the counter be incremented in your account.

  1. Always check the response files for any errors that may have occured, and correct the settings for the cronjob accordingly.
  2. If several API access points (tokens) are stored in the system for one interface, you must - for any data source, that uses this interface - assign the API access point (token) to be used. Go to My Account -> Basic Settings -> Data Sources -> Actions [Settings] -> Assign External Accounts. Select the required API access point (token) and save the settings.


How do I connect "csv4you.com" to an eBay account?

Under "My Account -> Basic Settings", click the "eBay" tab. Scroll down, select an eBay Marketplace, and then click the "Apply for AuthToken" button. This authentication for your eBay account is necessary to transfer product data to eBay via the API (e.g., eBay item attributes).

Do I need the Internal Categories for exports to Amazon or eBay?

Yes, because the assignment of the products to the eBay and Amazon categories as well as most of their product attributes gets effected there. Although product attributes can also be assigned individually to each article, this is often a disproportionate expenditure for many products. Via the category assignment of product attributes, all items automatically assume the attributes of the respective internal category.

How are eBay business policies used?

In the Export Settings of the "eBay Marketplace API" interface, you'll find the section Business Policies on the Other tab. Paste here the names of the business policies from your eBay account for payment, return and shipping. Without them, listing and updating of your products via the eBay API is not possible.

Can I manage two eBay shops under one account?

Yes. Under My Account ->Base Settings ->eBay you can create multiple connections to eBay (Auth Token).
Under My Account ->Base Settings ->DataSources there is a button [ Actions ] for each DataSource. Select [Assign External Account] and assign the appropriate eBay account to the data source.

What is the difference between the "eBay CSV Manager"- and the "eBay Marketplace API"- interface?

The "eBay Marketplace API" 'is an particular interface that allows you to transfer product data directly to eBay's servers. Data of individual or even all products together is transferred directly between csv4you and eBay. Confirmations of success or errors of a transmission are provided by our system via on-screen messages and so-called response files. With the eBay CSV-Manager interface, one first has to download a CSV file and then upload it again on the eBay website, which makes the transfer quite tedious and time-consuming.

Can I transfer my products to eBay via the csv-Manager too?

Yes. To do this, subscribe to the eBay csv-Manager interface. Exported csv-files from csv4you.com can be uploaded to eBay via the eBay "csv-Manager". You have to be loged in to your eBay account. This is not necessary with the eBay Marketplce API interface. We generally recommend the use of the "eBay Marketplace API" interface for creating and updating product listings on eBay. Note that when you use the eBay "csv-Manager", you should regularly synchronize your most important data (stocks) with eBay. This is done under Products -> eBay-Listings.

Why can I not send items to eBay anymore?

Check the "Type of listing" setting in the [Other] tab of your export profile. If there is 'Update ...' selected and no items are yet listed on eBay, the system can naturally not find anything. In this case, change the value to 'New ...' or create an additional export profile only for creating product listings.

Why does the data transfer to eBay take more than 5 minutes?

Occasionally, eBay too has temporary problems. In such cases, cancel the transfer to eBay and send your product data a bit later once more.

Why does the button 'Send product data to eBay' not appear?

Check the settings for your "eBay Marketplace API" interface. On the [Other] tab, under 'File Handling', select Transfer and save the change.

How do I correct/update erroneous listings?

The [Get eBay Data] button in Data Pool -> Products -> eBay Listings makes exactly what the name says: it gets your listing data and stock levels from eBay and imports them into our system. Thus, the system knows which listing is faulty and which is not. However, a "'matching"' of your inventory with eBay's is here "'not"'possible. But, there are several other ways to do this:

  1. You go to the page with the on eBay listed products. Click on the "Faulty Listings" tab, then select one or more products, and correct the faults by clicking the [Group Function] button.
  2. You create an export profile using the eBay Marketplace API and transfer the stock levels to eBay. This can also be done automatically by a cronjob.
  3. You set the checkmark to activate the Correction of faulty listings on eBay for an inventory import cronjob. This means that every time you import your inventory data, the stock level is also changed on eBay. This function is still in the test phase.

Variant items for eBay

Grundsätzliches zu eBay-Varianten: Jeder Parentartikel hat eine eBay-ItemID, die jeweiligen Varianten dementsprechend dieselbe. Wird nun diese eBay-ItemID mit der Option 'Beenden' (löschen) zu eBay gesendet, dann werden der Parent (also der Hauptartikel) und alle diesem Parent zugehörigen Varianten beendet (gelöscht). Beachten Sie dazu, dass sich einzelne Varianten per API-Übertragung nicht separat beenden (löschen) lassen.

How do I change the stock level of a variant item on eBay?

Lesen Sie dazu die Informationen von eBay: Option 'Nicht mehr vorrätig' für 'Gültig bis auf Widerruf'-Angebote und folgen Sie den Anweisungen. Setzen Sie danach den Bestand der betreffenden Variantenartikel auf 0 (einzeln, per Gruppenfunktion im Datenpool oder per Import) und übertragen Sie danach die Änderungen per 'Update'. Mit richtiger Einstellung werden diese Varianten bei eBay dann als Nicht mehr vorrätig angezeigt.

How can I add one or more variant items to a listing on eBay?

Löschen Sie dazu das Listing bei eBay und ganz wichtig: Aktualisieren Sie danach Ihre Produkte im Datenpool (Produkte ->eBay Listings ->Daten von eBay einlesen). Damit wird die alte eBay-ID aus dem Datenpool entfernt. Fügen Sie dann dem Artikel die gewünschten Varianten hinzu und übertragen Sie Ihre Änderungen über den Bereich Export Settings zu eBay. Alternativ können Sie solche Änderungen auch direkt im Listing bei eBay durchführen.

Can I deactivate individual variants of a listing?

Ja. Einzelne Varianten eines Artikels lassen sich bei eBay deaktivieren, in dem sie mit Bestand 0 und der Einstellung 'Update' übertragen werden. Diese Varianten werden dann bei eBay als Nicht mehr vorrätig angezeigt. Bitte lesen Sie dazu - wie oben bereits erwähnt - die entsprechenden Informationen: Option 'Nicht mehr vorrätig' für 'Gültig bis auf Widerruf'-Angebote.

Warum werden Varianten einzeln in eBay gelistet und nicht unter dem zugehörigen Parent?

In the export profile on the [Variants] tab, change the value of 'Export with Parents' to 'Yes' . Then, variants should be listed under their parents on eBay.

How can I temporarily disable my listings on eBay while on vacation?

Aktualisieren Sie alle Produkte mit einem 'Null-Bestand'. Das setzt voraus, dass Sie folgende Funktion bei eBay aktivieren: Option 'Nicht mehr vorrätig' für 'Gültig bis auf Widerruf'-Angebote.

Why are special characters like ä, ö or ü incorrectly displayed on eBay?

Under Interfaces -> Export-Settings in the [Settings] tab there is the option Character encoding (default: UTF-8). Select here "ISO-8859-1" and save the change. After re-transferring the export data, umlauts and various other special characters should appear correctly on eBay.

Why are my images not updated on eBay?

There is a Workaround from eBay.

Where can I find further information about messages (error codes) in eBay response files?

For explanations on some messages (eBay error codes), please visit our Error Messages page. This page is yet under construction.


How do I edit item attributes for Amazon?

In the "Data Pool -> Internal Categories" section, click on a product category with existing products. Then click on the tab "Amazon" and select a suitable category for the desired country from the drop-down menu and save the settings. The button [Item Attributes] (next to the selected category) will turn '"green"' after saving and the item attributes for this category can now be created or edited. Important for Amazon are the 'RecommendedBrowseNode1' (Category IDs at Amazon), search terms and bulletpoints. The Amazon response file tells you after an API transmission, whether item attributes values are still missing.

Why is not all inventory stock updated on Amazon?

Be sure to know when your import cronjobs will run. Note also the import option Set all stock level to "0" before import. If enabled, this setting will delete all stock levels of the respective DataSource before importing. Running Cronjobs will always take some time, depending on the amount of product data to be imported or updated. So, if you manually run an inventory update for Amazon at the same time, false stock levels - with the value "0" - can be transferred to Amazon, because the running import cronjob has not yet been fully processed. Therefore, avoid overlapping of import cronjobs and inventory updates for external systems that you are running yourself. If necessary, disable your import cron jobs temporarily.

What means "The data could not be transferred Error|500 - Server Error|500|Server"?

There may be several causes. Please check the following:

  1. There are no or no valid Amazon categories and/or item attributes.
  2. Internal categories must be assigned to the appropriate main category.
  3. Category names must match those of Amazon, e.g. for jewellery Jewlery and decoration items Home.
  4. Internal categories must contain item attributes. Red marked areas are required fields.

The best way to test the export is always with only one category or individual article.


What character encoding does the system use?

Our system works with the UTF-8 character encoding. If your system uses a different character set, you should set this in the "Export Settings". That way your export file gets created with the desired character encoding.

How should the data of an internal supplier get integrated?

This point refers exclusively to "Internal Supplier Data" from manufacturers or wholesalers. Under My Account -> Subscriptions -> Supplier Data , please subscribe first to the desired supplier's data. After approval by the supplier, there are 2 ways to integrate the subscribed product data as a data source:

Supplier Data Linking

Via Linking, only a reference to the product data and categories is created internally. Therfore, you can not make changes (e.g. title, descriptions in other languages) to individual products and save them, when you are only linking them!

  1. My Account -> Base Settings -> Data Source, Actions - Settings Edit ...
  2. Select the appropriate supplier data and save the settings.

Linked supplier data is not counted in any package. They are therefore available free of charge for every account.

Supplier Data Importing

When importing, the categories (important for the assignment of product features, e.g. for eBay or Amazon) and then in a further step the product data, must be transferred:

  1. Data pool -> Data import Variant C: Select provider, select data type "Category", import via the button [Load now]
  2. Data pool -> Data import Variant C: Select provider, select data type "Product", import via the button [Load now]

Only at this form of data transfer, complete, separate records are imported into your Data Pool. In this way, you can save your own descriptions of the supplier's products. Imported supplier data is counted in each package. For GALLAY partners with paid "Image and Data License", the import of all GALLAY data into one DataSource is free of charge.

Where can I find the invoice for my order?

Your invoice(s) are stored in the My account -> Orders area. There, click the [View Orders] and subsequently [Save Invoice] buttons.