Translations:Listings eBay/31/en

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Version vom 16. April 2018, 17:34 Uhr von FuzzyBot (Diskussion | Beiträge) (FuzzyBot verschob die Seite Translations:Produkte Ebay Listings/31/en nach Translations:Listings eBay/31/en, ohne dabei eine Weiterleitung anzulegen: Teil der übersetzbaren Seite Produkte Ebay Listings.)
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  • Listings in different marketplaces
If marked, data is imported for all products listed on the respective individual marketplaces. Depending on the number of your listings, the first import may take up to 48 hours.
  • Re-import existing products in the data pool
If marked, the attributes are re-imported for all matching item. Depending on the number of your listings, this process may take some time.
  • Import also listings without "'Custom Label'" (SKU)
If checked, listings without "Custom Label" (SKU) will also be imported.

Important: Our system writes the eBay ID as SKU for these records!

  • Re-import existing listings in the data pool
If checked, listing data - such as title, description, start price, and so on - is imported again and synchronized with the data in the data pool.
  • Create Missing items in the data pool
If checked, additional products are created in the DataPool from eBay data.