Translations:Interne Kategorien/28/en

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  • "eBay Store Category"
If you have your own shop on eBay, you can enter the ID of your "'Shop'" category here. This category must always be created in the eBay shop first, so that the corresponding ID can be generated by eBay! Names in general could also be used, but errors may occur during input. Example: "Chains / Bracelets" is not the same on eBay as "Chains / Bracelets".
The "2. eBay Store Category can be another independent category of your eBay store, where an item could be listed. Proceed in the same way if you want to assign products to a second "Shop" category. Example: An earring can be "created/saved" in category1 (women) and it then can also be displayed in category2 (girls).