Cronjobs "Import"

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Cronjobs "Import" gives the possibility to automatically import different data feeds - daily at certain times - into your data pool (for example, due to inventory changes). The following data types can be imported currently via a cronjob: products, inventory and categories.

To create a new cron job, click on the button [Create new cronjob (import)].

Cronjob (Import)

Watch out!

For the correct application of an import cron job, the creation of a corresponding import template is mandatory. To setup a new import template - a data import must be performed once "manually! </ Span>

  • Name of Cronjob
a descriptive name for this cronjob
  • Type
Type of the import template: Product or Inventory
  • URL import file
enter the URL to your import file here OR the file name and FTP server (FTP-Server 1, 2, 3 - as set up under MY ACCOUNT->Base Settings-> Tab FTP data).
  • Separator
Specify the data- or column separator that is used in your import file.
  • Text Qualifier
Specify the text qualifier that is used in your import file.
  • Headers in Row
Specify which row contains the column labels (usually this is the 1st)

Type - Product or Inventory

Depending on the type of cron job, are either settings for the type product or inventory to make.

Settings "Produkt"

  • Template
Select a saved "Product" import template
The import of product data and inventory data must be performed at least 1x by hand (under Data Pool -> Data Import). Only then can the template be assigned. If the selected template does not fit the specified file type - the column mapping is flawed and your cron job will break off or does not start at all.
This means:
For import-cronjobs of the type Product you need a template type Product.
For import-cronjobs of the type Inventory you need a template type Inventory.
  • Data sets even without an own ID
Data sets without unique ID are also imported (by default). Do you want to make sure that only those records with a unique ID get imported, remove the check mark.
Watch out!
Data sets without unique ID are created again with each import and so appear several times in the DATAPOOL.
  • Remove formatting from the text!
All HTML code will be removed from the imported data.
  • If UPDATE: Ignore missing columns!
Only applicable for UPDATES: If you want to transfer only certain columns from your file, this option must be enabled. That way, only the data from the selected columns in your file is imported and the rest will be ignored. Otherwise, this data would be deleted or overwritten with an "EMPTY" value.
Your data pool contains 20 fields with different values, but you want to import only the columns TITLE and EAN, e.g. because some product titles of your offer have changed and should be updated. Then mark the option here and select only the columns EAN and TITLE. EAN numbers should of course not be changed to allow a correct assignment of the new title.
  • Incorporate categories from import file
If your import file contains product categories, you can incorporate these as internal categories in the data pool. Already existing data will be updated at every import. Newly added categories are then created as new internal categories.

Settings "Inventory"

  • Import Template
Select saved inventory import template
  • Set all inventory levels to 0 before importing
When checked, the inventory levels of all products in the data source are set to a value of 0 before importing.


  • XML-element of the product data
Enter the XML-element of the actual product entries, e.g .: product
  • Variants
XML-element for Variants, z.B.: product->variant

Time Settings

  • Time
Highlight the respective times at which your file should be imported.
  • Days
The weekdays for your cron job (several times or weekdays mark/delete with Ctrl + left mouse button)
No selection = every day
In order for your time settings to be saved, an import template must absolutely be selected!

Do not forget to Save your settings!