Listings Amazon/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „=== Button [ Actions ] ===“)
(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „The [Actions] button provides different options on the various listings tabs. * [Actions] Edit Item Attributes : You will be redirected to Special: MyLanguag…“)
Zeile 54: Zeile 54:
=== Button [ Actions ] ===
=== Button [ Actions ] ===
Die Schaltfläche [ Aktionen ] bietet auf den verschiedenen Angebotsreitern unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten.
The [Actions] button provides different options on the various listings tabs.
*[ Aktionen ] Produkteigenschaften bearbeiten
* [Actions] Edit Item Attributes
:Sie werden weitergeleitet zur [[Special:MyLanguage/Produkte_Detailseite#Produkte Detailseite|Detailseite des jeweiligen Produkts]]. Es können die Produkteigenschaften einzelner Artikel im Datenpool bearbeitet werden.
: You will be redirected to [[Special: MyLanguage / Produkte_Detailseite # products description | product attributes]]. Here you can edit the product attributes of individual products from the data pool. All values come directly from Amazon and can be directly associated with your product.
*[ Aktionen ] Amazon Daten abgleichen
* [Actions] Amazon syncronize Data
:Hier lassen sich die Werte für Bestand und Preis direkt bei Amazon ändern und mit Ihrem Datenpool synchronisieren.
: Here the values of inventory and price can be changed directly on Amazon and synchronized with your data pool.
*[ Aktionen ] Artikelmerkmale des Produkts bearbeiten
* [Actions] Edit Product Details
:Alle Werte kommen direkt von Amazon und können direkt Ihrem Produkt zugewiesen werden.
:You will be redirected to [[Special: MyLanguage / Produkte_Detailseite # products description | product details]]. Here you can edit the product details of individual products from the data pool.
*[ Aktionen ] Artikelmerkmale des Parents bearbeiten
* [Actions] Edit Attributes Parents
:Merkmale Parent-Artikel...
: You will be redirected to [[Special: MyLanguage / Produkte_Detailseite # products description | parent details]]. Here you can edit the details of individual parents from the data pool.

Version vom 8. April 2016, 16:53 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

The tab Amazon Listings is only visible - if

  • The Merchant Web Service is set up
refer to My Account -> Base Settings -> Amazon or
  • at least one record in the data pool contains an ASIN (Amazon SKU).
refer to Data Pool -> Products -> Detail Page, tab [ Amazon ]

Select Marketplace / Search

Amazon Marketplace - Select the marketplace for which you want to edit products.

Search (Amazon ID, Product ID) - search for a term, an ASIN or a product ID

Amazon Listings

Active Selling

Here is a list of your active Amazon products - if any. Sorting is possible via the column ID(Parent ID) , Name, Quantity or AMAZ-Quantity.

Only item numbers for which an ASIN is stored in the data pool will be displayed.

Please, work very carefull in the Amazon products area and always check all actions afterwards in your Amazon account! Test the workflow between and Amazon at the beginning always with only a few records. So if errors occur, unnecessary work and cost can be avoided.

Inactive Selling

A list of inactive listings on Amazon, e.g. when stock 0.


List of all products at Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

Faulty Listings

'Faulty' listings means that the quantities in the data pool are smaller than what you have listed on Amazon. Pay particular attention to this area when e.g. one of your suppliers daily updated its stock. Otherwise you could get a sale on Amazon for a product that you can not deliver ...

No Listings

All products of the active data source that are "not" listed on Amazon (yet).


Button [ Actions ]

The [Actions] button provides different options on the various listings tabs.

  • [Actions] Edit Item Attributes
You will be redirected to product attributes. Here you can edit the product attributes of individual products from the data pool. All values come directly from Amazon and can be directly associated with your product.
  • [Actions] Amazon syncronize Data
Here the values of inventory and price can be changed directly on Amazon and synchronized with your data pool.
  • [Actions] Edit Product Details
You will be redirected to product details. Here you can edit the product details of individual products from the data pool.
  • [Actions] Edit Attributes Parents
You will be redirected to parent details. Here you can edit the details of individual parents from the data pool.

Schaltflächen Sonstige

Je nachdem in welchem Bereich der Angebote Sie sich befinden und wenn Datensätze markiert sind, stehen am unteren Seitenrand weitere Schaltflächen zur Verfügung.

  • [ Daten von Amazon einlesen ]
Aktuelle Daten Ihrer Produkte werden von Amazon eingelesen und im Datenpool übernommen.
  • [ Reportdatei von Amazon downloaden ]
Downloaden Sie die Reportdateien von Amazon.
  • [ Angebote ändern ]
Markieren Sie dazu links maximal 10 Datensätze und aktualisieren Sie die Bestände bei Amazon mit den Werten aus dem Datenpool.
  • [ Angebote beenden ]
Markieren Sie links maximal 10 Datensätze und beenden Sie diese Angebote.
  • [ Backup ]
Datensicherung mit Auswahlfenster