Translations:Exportprofile Grundeinstellungen/34/en

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Version vom 30. April 2018, 14:56 Uhr von FuzzyBot (Diskussion | Beiträge) (FuzzyBot verschob die Seite Translations:Export Settings Grundeinstellungen/34/en nach Translations:Exportprofile Grundeinstellungen/34/en, ohne dabei eine Weiterleitung anzulegen: Teil der übersetzbaren Seite Export Settings Grundeinstellungen.)
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'Example 1': Prices in the data pool are in EUR, all prices in your export file shall also appear EUR. Highlight for this 'EUR' and 'No' .
'Example 2': Prices in the data pool are in EUR, all prices in your export file shall be converted into USD. Highlight for this 'USD' and 'Yes.
'Example 3' : Prices in the data pool are in USD, all prices in your export file shall also appear in USD. Highlight for this 'USD' and 'No' .
'Example 4': Prices in the data pool are in USD, all prices in your export file shall be converted into GBP. For that the prices must first be converted from USD to EUR during import into the data pool. How this works is described in Import Particularities - Currency Conversion.